Recent Announcements

New publication on shared polymorphisms in Daphnia

Connor Murray defends his dissertation!

Genetic variation in fasting response

An inversion facilitates rapid adaptation

Abbey joins the lab as a new post-doc



Dr. Joaquin Nunez takes a job!

Dr. Yang Yu publishes in Evolution and defense his dissertation

Genetic evidence of natural selection on plasticity published in Nature Ecology & Evolution

Study of genetic variation in sexual investment published in Molecular Biology and Evolution

Connor Murray has been awarded an EXPAND fellowship from the NSF Research Traineeship program

The Backyard Evolution project is highlighted in UVA news for its impact and NSF grant

The Bergland Lab ran BOIP's Farmer's Market Science booth on November 13

The Bergland lab is recruiting a PhD student to study adaptation in Drosophila

The Bergland lab and colleauges publish the largets population genomic repository for Drosophila to date

The Bergland Lab promotes Backyard Evolution at area Farmer's Markets

Alan and colleagues publish paper in eLife demonstrating parallel seasonal adaptation in flies

The 2021 Backyard Evolution season begins!

Cory Weller, a former PhD student from the lab, publishes a paper describing the feasibility and power of outbread QTL mapping.

Postdoc Priscilla Erickson used D. melanogaster hybrid swarms and a computational pipeline to understand how flies survive harsh winters in temperate latitudes.
We are collaborating with Piedmont Virginia Community College to conduct seasonal Drosophila collections at Carter Mountain Orchard.

Participate in a citizen science project! The Bergland Lab at UVA is looking for volunteers to collect and preserve flying insects from their compost piles this spring, summer, and fall. Click below to read more!

Dörthe Becker, a postdoc in the Bergland lab, was recently awarded a Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship funded by the European Commission.

Karen Barnard-Kubow, a postdoc in the Bergland Lab, was recently awarded a NIH NRSA postdoctoral fellowship.

Alan co-authors a paper in eLife with members of the Johnston lab at Johns Hopkins.

Alan publishes a paper in PNAS.

Dr. Priscilla Erickson wins a JCC post-doctoral fellowship!

The Bergland lab receives its first grant!

Alan recently published a paper in Current Biology about the evolutionary hip and fitness consequences of a super-gene in the white-throated sparrow.

The Bergland Lab is open for business!